How Long Do Chihuahuas Live? Find Out Here

May 16, 2021

Chihuahuas may be tiny, but they have a lot more life in them than you may think—the oldest known chihuahua lived to be 18 years old, and it’s estimated that the average chihuahua will live to be around 15 years.

That might not seem long compared to other breeds, but it’s a long time for a dog of any size. Of course, there are a few things you can do to help your chihuahua live a long, healthy life.

Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas

If you’re thinking of getting a new pet, it’s important to know the facts about the species you’re considering.

Skeletons and the Chihuahua Lifespan

Bones are living tissue, meaning they are constantly replaced by new strains of tissue. This removal of old bone tissue is called remodeling, and it’s essential to the health of bones. Without it, the skeleton would become thick and dense, and would stop working properly.

On average, a healthy adult’s skeleton is completely replaced every 10 years. But while the average lifespan for a Chihuahua is 15 years, it remains one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, with an estimated 200,000 Chihuahuas born world-wide every year.

Your Control over the Chihuahua Lifespan

Chihuahuas, as we all know, are very small dogs with very big personalities. They can be very destructive and noisy, though they are sweet and loyal.

The lifespan of a Chihuahua varies based on the Chihuahua’s health, which is based on the caretakers’ ability to: provide a good diet, take the Chihuahua to the vet regularly, keep the Chihuahua out of harm’s way, etc.

By following these simple guidelines, you can help your Chihuahua enjoy a happy, healthy, and long life.

The Chihuahua is one of the smallest breeds of dogs that are known worldwide. These miniature dogs are extremely self-confident and are very popular among dog lovers.

These dogs are very active during their young years and they get worse as they grow older. If you take good care of them, you can increase their lifespan.

Most Common Chihuahua Health Problems

Every year, thousands of Chihuahuas are surrendered to animal shelters and humane societies across the United States.

While some of these dogs are lost or abandoned pets, others are purchased but given up due to common health problems. Read on to learn more about the most common Chihuahua health problems, and what you can do about them.

1. Tooth and Gum Disease

Chihuahuas are one of the cutest dog species, but their tooth and gum health should not be ignored. While they’re known for their loud and shrill bark, they are also prone to dental issues that can lead to painful infections and tooth loss.

The best way to protect your Chihuahua’s oral health is to learn the signs of tooth and gum disease, so you can take steps to prevent or treat them before they become serious problems.

When your dog has a toothache, it is often caused by a dental issue or gum disease. The best way to prevent such problems is to brush your dog’s teeth daily.

However, not all pets are enthusiastic about having their teeth brushed. In some cases, tooth and gum disease can cause an infection, or abscess, to develop. If you notice that your dog is drooling or acting abnormally, you should consult your veterinarian.

2. Bladder and Kidney Stones

Chihuahuas are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, but they are also very prone to developing bladder and kidney stones.

In fact, these stones are the most common health problem for Chihuahuas , and they can lead to the need for surgery. The stones are most often formed in male dogs, but female dogs can also be affected.

Having your dog diagnosed with a common pet health problem like a bladder or kidney stone is scary since it can seriously affect their quality of life. However, it is good to know that not all dogs need surgery to treat these conditions.

In fact, many dogs can be treated with more conservative, less invasive methods, which is a great relief to pet owners who are not sure if their dog is suffering from more serious illnesses.

Having your dog diagnosed with a common pet health problem like a bladder or kidney stone is scary since it can seriously affect their quality of life. However, it is good to know that not all dogs need surgery to treat these conditions.

In fact, many dogs can be treated with more conservative, less invasive methods, which is a great relief to pet owners who are not sure if their dog is suffering from more serious illnesses.

3. Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar levels in Chihuahuas are fairly common and can be caused by a number of factors. If left untreated, it can lead to further health complications and even death.

Chihuahuas are a small breed of dog. They are known for their rounded heads and large eyes. They are also known for their intelligence and loyalty to their owners.

There are three different types of chihuahuas: the smooth coat, the long coat, and the long coat with a wave. It is important to know the hang-ups about chihuahuas. For example, chihuahuas are very sensitive to the cold. If your chihuahua gets cold then their blood sugar will drop, causing them to have hypoglycemia.

Many Chi’s are known for their love of treats – and while that may be endearing to owners, it can lead to a whole host of problems for the dog.

For one, Chi’s have a tendency to develop tooth decay. For another, many Chi’s tend to eat a lot of treats and junk food, which – when consumed in moderation – is completely fine. However, if these items are over-consumed, then it can lead to obesity, which comes with its own host of problems (including heart disease and diabetes.)

What Is the Average Lifespan of Chihuahuas Compared to Other Dog Breeds?

Chihuahuas have an average lifespan of 12-20 years, which is longer than most other dog breeds. Factors like genetics, diet, and exercise can influence how long can dogs fast. Generally, small breeds like Chihuahuas tend to live longer than larger breeds due to their slower growth rate and lower risk of health issues.

Last Words

While it’s true that adult Chihuahuas can weigh only 5 – 6 pounds, they are not small dogs and don’t have the low-maintenance life of an accessory that some people imagine. They are active and need a good deal of regular care. A healthy Chihuahua will live to the average age of 12 – 15 years. Small dogs tend to have more health problems than larger breeds. It’s important to start your Chihuahua off right by providing good care from the beginning.

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