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May 16, 2021
What Can I Give My Dog For Fireworks Anxiety? Find Out Here

As you are preparing for your fourth of July party, many people will also be prepping their dogs. Independence Day means excitement and fun, but it also means loud noises. You may have trouble calming your dogs, because all they will think about is the noise. Many people will turn to sedatives, but these sometimes […]

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May 16, 2021
Are Grains Good For Dogs? Your Dogs Health Guide

Grains (wheat, barley, oats, corn, and rice) are a controversial topic, as there are many conflicting opinions about whether they are healthy for people and pets. Some believe they are an essential part of a complete diet for dogs, while others believe they are a health hazard and should be avoided. In this article, we […]

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May 16, 2021
Best Guard Dogs For Kids – Top 10 Best Guard Dogs

An important part of keeping children safe is having a dog as a family pet. While there are many breeds of dog, some are better for families with children than others. Some dogs are naturally protective, while others must be trained to behave in a certain way. Dogs can be very good at protecting children, […]

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May 16, 2021
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You? Do’s And Dont’s

A dog attack can happen to anyone. Most can be avoided with the right knowledge and preparation. The first step to avoiding an attack is to be aware of your surroundings. A dog that is chasing a cat or a squirrel, or that is startled by a loud noise or movement can easily mistake you […]

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May 16, 2021
How To Introduce A New Puppy To Your Dog – Tips And Guide

I am so excited!!! After a long, hard wait I finally have a puppy. She is a sweet thing that loves to snuggle and makes everyone in my house smile, but how do I introduce my dog to the new dog? It can be done and it isn’t as hard as you think. Just follow […]

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May 16, 2021
How Many Puppies Do Dogs Have? Estimation Of Puppies Can A Dog Produce

Puppies and Dogs can be very cute. They have four legs and a long tail and that is attractive. They have a very cute face and funny personality. For that they are loved by many people.  Puppies are the cutest of all. They are very small. They are born without hair. They are very playful. […]

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May 16, 2021
Why Do Dogs Chatter Their Teeth – Everything You Need To Know

In all of my years with a dog, I’ve experienced some pretty strange behaviors, but one of the strangest things was seeing my dog’s teeth chatter. All of this confused me because I couldn’t find out if it was some other strange behavior or if something was wrong with my dog. If you’ve ever seen […]

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May 16, 2021
Can You Give A Dog Xanax? Find Out Here

When your dog or cat suffers from situational anxiety (i.e., car rides, fireworks, thunderstorms, vacuum cleaner), it can be extremely debilitating to them and heartbreaking for us. After you’ve exhausted all your resources (positive reinforcement training, playing music, Thundershirt, etc.), your vet might suggest prescribing doggie downers like Xanax. What Is Xanax? Alprazolam, sold under the brand […]

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May 16, 2021
How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking At People? Find Out Here

When it comes to dog training, there are endless ways to tackle the problem of a dog who barks at strangers. Some trainers advise you to ignore your dog when he or she is barking, while others suggest you combat the behavior with a loud “No”. While each approach has its merits, the best option […]

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May 16, 2021
Dog Food For Diabetic Dogs – Maintaining Your Dog Health

A dog living with diabetes is not much different than you or I. They love to play, spend time with family, and eat. The biggest difference is that they need their blood sugar levels monitored. Our dogs get the same diseases that we do and are prone to the same illnesses that we are. The […]

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